I’m noticing I get stuck a lot on thinking about notebook structure and file structure in terms of how I’ll archive them. But especially for notes I take while working on tasks, there’s actually no need to keep them once the task’s done and the information’s on the page itself is migrated to my digital tools. So I’m considering just treating these kinds of notes as ephemeral.

I was just curious how picky others are about the notes they actually archive for long term keeping?

  • kg4zowB
    10 months ago

    For work, I have a monthly document, previously a notebook with templated pages but now I’m trying a PDF that I made using rm2-cal, that I keep as a long-term record, exported to PDF and backed up to a company-owned file sharing thing.

    I also have notebooks for each of the recurring meetings I’m involved in, with the first page being “items for the next meeting”, and then when the meeting starts each week I add a new page immediately after that and move items from one page to another as I cover them. These are also retained as PDFs on the company’s file-sharing thing.

    For personal stuff, it depends. There are some things I keep long-term, but a lot of it is more “to-do list” kinda stuff, like “items I want to cover on remarkable.jms1.info”, where once I’ve done or written whatever it is, that item (or page, or notebook) can go.

    And in both cases, I have a Linux server at home which, if the tablets aren’t sleeping at the time, automatically “pulls” backups from them every hour. If I ever accidentally delete something (that isn’t “brand new”), I can go to the server and find/restore it to either tablet. (Remember I mentioned a list of things I wanted to write about on the web site? 😁)