Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely hate all of the other changes. But the cooldown makes a ton of sense imo.
I can understand the frustration, because prior to the change it was necessariy to ping everything 10 times to have a chance of your ping actually being heared and not being drowned out by the white noise, so there has to be a bit of re-learning going on so you don’t waste all your pings because you are used to mashing the button.
But I’m not joking when I say that I ignored a ton of useful pings prior to the changes because I was genuinely confused by a ping being used as intended (especially true for missing pings). I did sometimes mute the spam pingers, but only when it was clear that they were no longer trying to win, cause otherwise they would still let a few useful pings slide through.
Right now, there are way less pings being thrown around overall, so I am less prone to filter them out. If you actually ping 1x to show what you want to show, it’s pretty damn unlikely to run out of them anyway. Some people have been raising concerns about pro-players, but I guess this could easily be resolved by removing the restrictions for premades.