Hello r/SteamDeck, I’m here to tell a cautionary tale of the new vent smell. Since the day I got my first steam deck from my preorder, I’ve been in financial ruin. Specifically due to the smell that the vents produce after being warmed up.

I’m hopelessly addicted to the smell, I can’t go a day without at least sniffing the vents at least once (preferably 3 times a day). Once the smell eventually worn off my deck initially, I had a near mental breakdown, with my body having an adverse reaction to the lack of having the smell in my system.

I ended up buying 2 decks a week, running a cryptocurrency miner to keep the device warm so I can sniff it. While the crypto could possibly pay off the next deck purchase. But however that isn’t the case. My power bill has been through the roof, my room is hotter then a sauna most of the time, and the constant 400 dollar purchases had recently maxed out all my credit cards and now I’m left with absolutely nothing.

I’ve thought about switching to actual drugs but nothing could give me the same feeling as the vent smell. My house is going under foreclosure and I honestly don’t know what to do now…

tl;dr don’t snort your vents.