JDG head coach just announced that he will be taking a break from League of Legends competitive scene after heartbreaking loss to T1.


“I should’ve done better today. We lost the game due to my incompetence; the players all tried really hard. We didn’t live up to the expectation of LPL fans. I hope more people can root for JDG in the future. Next year I will be leaving this stage temporarily. It’s a real shame that we didn’t make it till the end. We did win three trophies though (LPL spring, MSI, LPL summer) so don’t feel too down.”


  • SolubilityRulesB
    10 months ago

    It’s always the coach that becomes the scapegoat

    Your top cant play Rumble

    Your supp cant play Bard

    Your jungle ints

    Your mid cant play Azir

    And you cant keep your job