I feel bad. But I find my self rooting against Paige Sinclair and for BoJack when I should be clearly rooting against BoJack. Anyone agree ?

  • jaromir39B
    10 months ago

    Me too. BoJack is flawed, but the show is built around the premise that we see his perspective and don’t want him to fall and fail. Some of best shows on TV use this idea (Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men). Besides, at the time when Paige Sinclair starts her investigation, we see BoJack changing for the better and we don’t yet know all the details about what happened with Sarah Lynn.

    But we all love Paige Sinclair. Of course we do, everybody loves Paige Sinclair.

    • NoimnotareddituserB
      10 months ago

      I feel the same but its mostly because I find her really annoying. Plus the show is just so good at making people empathize for the bad guy, by giving us most of the context and showing him bettering himself. So its hard not to kinda root against Paige in that scenario.

  • emoaaB
    10 months ago

    I don’t agree. And I have always seen this dynamic as broader commentary on the news media/journalism.

    Journalists annoy people. It’s just how it is. ask too many questions, too persistent, and, in some cases, and not always fully forthcoming with intentions. But there’s a reason for all of this — it’s how you get to the truth. And that’s what Paige did, she persisted and persisted until she got the full truth out of Bojack and he faced consequences.

    But what you say about rooting against Paige and for Bojack…it’s how people treat media persons everyday. Somehow, in our fucked up society, it always gets twisted into the journalist being the bad guy for attempting to expose the truth. Even if the truth to reveal is that a guy is a misogynistic abusive narcissist, people will actually get more mad at the person that reveals this information than the person who did it.

    In the Bojack universe it’s in a vacuum. You clearly see that Bojack needs his comeuppance but you’re just so annoyed that Paige shows up when she does and how she does because Bojack is “redeeming” himself. But you see in the theater episode (and later with the second Bixby interview) how being confronted with his actions causes him to fall back into old patterns of blaming everyone but himself. Would we have seen that mask drop, would we (as the audience rooting for BJ) have really understood that his personal “redemption” does not account for all the pain he has caused, without her? I don’t think so.

    Paige Sinclair was an excellent foil to Bojack, the exact character the show needed to put it all together for the audience.

  • weirdoldhobo1978B
    10 months ago

    It’s okay to dislike Paige to an extent because she’s not really meant to be liked, she’s not the “good guy,” but neither is she really a “villain.”

    Paige is Bojack’s nemesis in the most traditional, literary definition of the word. She’s the inescapable agent of Bojack’s downfall.

    She’s the personification of the accountability that Bojack had been begging for the whole story, but be careful what you wish for.