Just got my account hacked and they manage to sell 9o out of my 500 items inventory, thankfully I managed to deactivate my steam guard which stopped them from using the market which gave me time to change the password and everything.

I had all my steam guard and two step on and they still managed to hack me, never been to any website with my steam account.

PLEASE give me the option to mark some of my items that I will NEVER sell in my life to me not marketable or tradable for ever, I will take full responsibility for the decision if I regret it later.

So even if they managed to hack me again somehow I wont lose the items I hold dear because I paid a lot of money for.

Make it an stock item you can attach to any item which render it not marketable, like the old bloostone item for you OG dota 2 players.

  • ththisbutascratchB
    10 months ago

    To be honest after so many posts of people loosing items over the years, it baffles me why they didn´t add this option yet.