Everyone hears about product market fit. I think a lot of times it’s something that everyone refers to, but we don’t really know what it is. Or at least we’re hard-pressed to give a definition. It’s almost just “you know it when you see it.”
This is the best article I’ve read on the topic. It’s worth reading about how the founder of ConvertKit get started too (linked to in the article). Great story about doing things that don’t scale.
Here’s the article on product market fit: https://longform.asmartbear.com/product-market-fit/.
I enjoyed reading this guy’s insights a lot. He’s thorough, thoughtful, and analytical. His articles tend to run long, but they’re worth reading, not just skimming through.
This article and therefore your post are incredibly valuable and excellently written! Thank you in advance/hola_jeremy for your contribution! Cheers!
5% churn seems very low and highly industry dependent, no?
The concept hardly helps in my opinion.