I see, so many people underestimating WBG, but I feel this team has potentially the highest skill ceiling of any LPL team. If you look at their games in LPL’s summer split against the other top 5 teams:

2-0 JDG

2-0 LNG

1-2 BLG

2-3 LNG

3-2 TES

3-1 EDG

Alone although impressive, you’d be more impressed when you see how they win their games. In the split WBG were always 4v5ing with one inter on their team (usually Xiaohu or TheShy), they also dropped a lot of their games when 5k+ gold up. We saw a glimpse of this in the WBG/G2 series, if you look at their playoffs, they would’ve 3-0ed LNG if they didn’t throw a 5k gold lead. They also proceeded to throw 5k leads randomly in their qualifying series against TES and EDG.

So what’s the point of stating all of WBG’s weaknesses? This team managed to do all this (beat BLG, nearly LNG, JDG) whilst having severe weaknesses. It’s almost like they were nerfed yet still came out ahead a lot of the times against LPL’s top teams. I have never seen this happen. Usually when top teams win, everyone in the team is playing well, but Weibo manages to 4v5 with either no bot, no top or no mid, and win. It just feels like a team which has been restrained this whole time, and if the stars align and all 5 players happen to flip well on the day, who knows how good this team will be. TheShy is also playing really well now, which is one flip you don’t have to worry about.

TLDR; WBG are coinflippers. They can lose against any team, but also win against any team. Usually these types of teams will not make finals in the first place because along the road they’ll coinflip a series and fall out (try flipping a coin and how rare would it be to land 8 heads in a row), but WBG had some insanely lucky draws and somehow now are in the finals. If their players all flip heads on the day, they could legitamately win.