I’m a GM Torb,(even before the nerfs and his giga gun buff) he’s pretty much been my main for years. He feels absolutely terrible to play right now.

His turret is pretty worthless and the cooldown is way too long with how little damage it does. It’s basically just an annoying gnat now that anyone with a brain can destroy from range.

His hitbox is the size of a tank but without the health to back it up. I’m pretty much tissue paper out there against hitscan but without any real fire power to threaten anyone.

His gun speed is fine now but his primary needs a damage buff at the very least. He needs a buff that isn’t related to his turret or firing speed. Reward the players who can actually aim with him.

If I had a bad game before I would at least be at a positive KD ratio but now if I have a bad game it’s really bad and I’ll end up negative and it feels like he just can’t make an impact anymore.

That might change when everyone is playing Hog next week but with everyone Doom or Zarya there’s not really a place for him right now sadly.