Seems to be either a blizz server bug linked to specific maps not loading quickly OR a damaged file on your own hardware. The best fix is either reinstalling the game completely on a new drive (preferably a SSD) which fixed this for me. The repair feature on battlenet didn’t change the bug originally so fully reinstalling is necessary.
Finally the smoking gun of this bug. The disconnects while loading will result in suspensions or even bans.
In my case this led to a ban which even the blizz support people I spoke with noted was no fault of my own BUT for some odd reason the last man I spoke with said it was completely impossible to appeal the ban which is for a lack of a better phrase, quite problematic. If a ban can be issued for no good reason and everyone involved agrees apon that can it seriously not be passed up to get fixed??
Ofc this is a small indie developer so why do I even expect more :P\
Until this ban in comp (which is for the rest of the season) is removed I’m not gonna get to enjoy a game that is both my favorite and bane of my existence. Then again quickplay is somehow more competitive the the ranked playlist but with the lack of any real reward (not that comp has much other than funny number go up)(and comp points for gold guns but who cares abt that) I’m still just completely demoralized to even load up the game anymore since I was just at the cusp of masters finally getting back to where I feel my tank belongs.