Posted this on some vehicle specific forums, but thought I would try here for a quicker response. 2003 F150, 4.2, MT, 4X4.

I cannot for the life of me figure out what I’m doing wrong/not doing to get the passenger side catalytic converter off. I’ve got the flange bolts to the manifold off, O2 sensors out, clamp and rear by muffler and other clamp by driver side cat, where they connect all loose. I can find video online of the driver side coming off, but not just the passenger side. I can get the entire set up to move, so I know it is loose, but I can’t get it to pull away/drop down.

Do I need to remove the driver side to get the passenger side to drop down?

Pictures attached in the event I missed something.

Any insight is appreciated.

Edit to add photos.

Flange at manifold.

Clamp before muffler.

Clamp at cross connect (right passenger, left driver).