This guy has really made me eat my words so far. I was upset we drafted him over whitmore but I’m happy to be wrong. He’s so polished already and actually has a higher ceiling then I thought. He’s going to be solid and may have the potential to be a star. It’s going to be fun watching him play and get better each game. His post moves and midrange game is solid. He also plays really good defense and has been matched up against some really good players this season and I’d say he has held his own against them. The only thing he can improve on so far is his shooting but I like that he’s putting them up and I think he has a good shot but just needs to keep working on being more consistent. He does however make them when it matters. Obviously the one against the grizzlies was huge but the one he hit last night to end the half was very big in helping us keep the momentum. Im looking forward to rooting for this guy for a long time!