Honestly as someone who has never really traveled sometimes this show makes me want to go on an international dating app. Not because I want a relationship like anyone on the show…but now im going through a divorce and this show makes me there’s so much more than the U.S.
I did once before I was married and met a handsome truck driver named Riccardo from a small town in Italy who wanted to come to Los Angeles so badly (I did not live anywhere near California). We talked for a few months but I broke it off 😂 I think he really did like me (bc I think im cute and hot) but he also had a big ego and was machismo. It would have been a 90 day disaster for sure. Like he totally had these big false expectations of some cool American life
It steels my resolve to NEVER get into another relationship ever again.
So I did the British version of match several years ago and never made any connections. I’m happily married now…so no…that was one and done.
Ya if it’ll find me an Igor 🔥 🔥