I didn’t realize I’ve turned into a literary elitist snob. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve read a Stephen King book -what with them being for the unwashed masses and all. It has to be upwards of two decades. I USED to read every book he wrote, every time it was released. Then I got my degree and his works were beneath me. Fast forward to now. I have a disabled sister who recently moved into long term care. When I visit, I read to her. She requested that I read Cujo. I read Cujo when it was first released in 1981, 40+ years ago. Reading it now, all these years later, I just cannot express how impressed I am with the craftsmanship of the writing. Read it, that’s all I have to say - that man, he knows how to write a thriller.

  • et2brutussOPB
    10 months ago

    Well that’s harsh. I have had my comeuppance-indeed I used the wrong ‘sole’ and realized it and corrected it. At the end of the day though, I’d really hate for a reader to be me and decide a book was beneath them and miss some really good writing.

  • et2brutussOPB
    10 months ago

    First of all, I would not classify my post as a ‘rant’. Secondly, I have no idea what you are on about. The soul and express purpose of my post in a subreddit called ‘BOOKS’ is that I have discovered some QUALITY writing and I felt necessary to share (in what I consider to be my learned opinion) my view that this is some quality writing. Take it or leave it.

  • LurkerFailsLurkingB
    10 months ago

    It’s okay for your tastes to evolve as you read more books. My kids make fun of me for being snobby about film because I’m always trying to get them to critique. But I just shrug and ask if I’ve ever recommended a bad movie. They’re all bangers. It’s okay if your tastes are now more sophisticated or whatever. That said, King is actually a good writer.