Background: So my cousin has a business/brand that creates skin care products among other things.

She makes everything her self and they actually work incredibly well! Not much of a skin care guy but I’ve tried them and they’ve done wonders for my face. There’s even been cases of people having serious medical skin issues who haven’t found anything other than her products that work.

So it’s a solid brand, a ton of solid testimonies and positive ratings. Whenever she makes stuff they sell out. But she has another full-time job and has only really done this as a side-hustle so far.

She has down time during the winter from her regular job and I’m encouraging her to scale this business but need some initial guidance.

Goal: At the moment the goal is primarily just to spread the sales to beyond her current social media network and friends/family. Not trying to be the next Amazon or scale to that level.

I’m just beginning a deep dive into research for what we should take into consideration as far as scaling the marketing efforts.

From what I know the 2 biggest things we’ll need figured out are: Marketing & Operations

Once we have a plan in order we can figure out if we need to get funding to hire certain roles out. Also curious on your input on that.