I’m one of those degenerates that enjoy cyst popping videos, and my sources have all dried up at this point: I was lurking on r/popping_curated and popthatzit before that. I bet the majority of them are on TikTok now, but I don’t want to make an account there just for this lol.
Just a quick nod to
my sources have all dried up
No kink shaming guys, even if it’s from this brave weirdo.
[saving post for later]
I agree but “kink” implies it’s sexual satisfaction and OP hasn’t stated that. But yeah, it’s wrong to downvote OP for asking.
I’m one of those degenerates
I choose to assume it’s a kink. LOL
Sadly YouTube has gotten quite restrictive on “medical” content.
The foreign language creators seem to avoid the worst of it. There is a group of vietnamese spas that post zit removals.
There is the classic Dr pimple popper
Yuck, I used to be obsessed with these videos too. Dr. Pimple Popper is a classic.
Maybe we shouldn’t ask Lemmy some things.
my mum has been addicted to pimple and blackhead popping videos for the past few months. i’ll ask her for the search terms she uses…
If you haven’t yet, try /r/FeltGoodComingOut
There’s a particularly nasty scene in “Nightbitch” that might qualify.