Yes, we probably don’t win this game withoit X, Y, Z too, whatever player you were thinking about immediately coming and replying as a “gotcha!” Just calm down and read for a sec.

This was a NARROW win when, yet again, Jamo found some way to make a large game impacting play happen. Sometimes it’s a tud, sometimes it’s the most difficult catch in traffic in the game, and sometimes it’s a crucial block on a long run, but this is a truly gifted athlete who is balling out with his teammates every time they hit the field, in a real way.

My heart soared when I saw Jano give Montgomery that little “let’s go”, and I know a lot of us felt the same. Jamo has bought so far into his own teammate’s success, how can you not love him yet? What’s it gonna take?

I guess where I’m just at is when are the Jamo haters gonna appreciate that he has literally had a huge, game defining play in every outing? He is so imporrant an element of this offense and so many of you wanna treat him like he’s Hock 2, still, but the real fact is we probably don’t win a game that we only won by 3, if Mont gets stopped 20+ yards short there.

Like clockwork though, in a few weeks from now the narrative is for sure gonna be some drop that didn’t really matter, again. Will it ever stop from our own fans at least?

  • Poop_McButtzB
    10 months ago

    Jamo’s gang affiliation is a boon to those organization