Hi guys,

I have an Asus monitor as my second monitor. I went to work today and left my PC on while i was working. When I came home I saw my second monitor had horizontal lines. It could be the wire, and I’ll replace it regardless cause it’s old, but when I messed with the wire it didn’t really do anything so I’m not sure.

I started messing with the refresh rate (its a 75 hz monitor). I dropped it to 60hz. It’s still kind of flickering, but its 100% legible, no horizontal lines.

What do you guys think? I read somewhere this could be a ram issue? I can tell you that there are times my PC does have these very slight stutters. I never really paid them any attention but I believe it could be RAM. I have 32gb of ddr4 GSkill 3000 mhz ram.

It could also be hard drives but I don’t really think it is. I’m running a raid setup with 4 SSDs. I’ve had that stutter issue when I had slow HDD’s (5400 rpm lol), which I don’t have right now.

My primary monitor has 0 issues. Working just fine. And yes drivers up to date.