So I started simply, running out of drive space for stuff on my laptop. So I bought a simple mini pc loaded batocera onto it and moved all my retro games across.
It’s a matter of months it’s multiplied. I have a reteo mini pc a home automation mini pc. My router. My gaming laptop. My families laptops and tablets. And a thinkcentre v520 on the way to become a jellyfin server. How do I stop it all breeding 🤣
Anyway. Jokes aside I’m starting to amass a few bits of hardware with plans for more in the future. Any more experienced people have any advice for me as I get started. Or things you wish you had known sooner
Current plans are to add in a router and maybe a network switch as my ISP provided one won’t let me port forward properly and I only have 1 port left open on it anyway.
And I’m looking at building a media centre in my front room so I’ll probably end up building one of the cupboards big enough to hold all the equipment bar the router.