Do y’all even like basketball? Talking to the 14 year olds on here, sub is starting to feel like a teenagers group chat.

No one likes a “this sub sucks” post but man! An actual basketball highlight will get much less attention than a lowlight of the subs hive mind favourite punching bag

Look at all the Harden lowlights and stat posts

Look at the Poole highlight clip recently that had farrrr fewer upvotes than the lowlights

I get it, you think Draymond Green poisoned your water supply, cool. Does every Draymond interaction need to be posted so people can circlejerk about how much they hate him?

Shoutout to the actual comments keeping me coming back. The great analysis, funny lines, interesting background info I missed and especially a good Le joke. Some of y’all too creative man!

  • TurokSeedsB
    10 months ago

    It’s not just here. The majority of people willing to spend hours commenting on Reddit/Twitter/Facebook have lost purpose in life.

    When your entire life is self hatred you need to exert that hatred outward to avoid explosion. It’s sad but a symptom of larger issues.