Any new game I play, I find myself being really negative and on the verge of quitting it for good.

RDR2 I almost quit because I didn’t like the whole first bit where you don’t have free reign yet.

Disco Elysium I almost quit because the beginning seemed rather aimless as I was just looking at loads of random stuff I didn’t have the story threads for yet.

Almost quit DBZ Kakarot before getting the special attacks that make fighting more interesting, as well as getting more used to the fighting mechanics.

A lot of my favourite games, I almost quit in the first few hours. Anyone else find themselves being this negative about them?

  • captainbarnaby198B
    10 months ago

    This happens a lot when I play a game demo. Maybe I’m just impatient, but a lot of the time what happens is the demo doesn’t get to the actual gameplay quickly (which is ultimately what I want to try.) And just spews out a bunch of exposition to quickly summarize the beginning of the story.

    But when it isn’t a demo, a lot of the time I can feel extremely overwhelmed by the game. Too many quests at once, too many mechanics, not enough information on the mechanics, etc.

    What really kills it for me though if the game controls badly/weirdly. For some reason I just can’t get over janky control.