Any new game I play, I find myself being really negative and on the verge of quitting it for good.

RDR2 I almost quit because I didn’t like the whole first bit where you don’t have free reign yet.

Disco Elysium I almost quit because the beginning seemed rather aimless as I was just looking at loads of random stuff I didn’t have the story threads for yet.

Almost quit DBZ Kakarot before getting the special attacks that make fighting more interesting, as well as getting more used to the fighting mechanics.

A lot of my favourite games, I almost quit in the first few hours. Anyone else find themselves being this negative about them?

  • okiedokieoatsB
    10 months ago

    some of you guys just don’t like video games or clearly have other problems going on. take a break and go outside. you’re ridiculously impatient and it has nothing to do with the games you’re playing