So recently some of my friends and I were looking to invest in new startups that are still in infancy but found it really hard to find a good list of tech companies that are doing something new rather than building a wrapper over Chat-Gpt. Don’t get me wrong when I say new I mean at least have 2-3 differentiation factors over their competitors. So I thought maybe I could start a newsletter for all my friends/investors of a top 5 curated list of companies that are looking for funding.
What you will get :
- Exposure to vast network of investors
What I get :
- Companies I/Network can invest in
- Only apply if you really need funding!!
- Do not apply if your company is just a wrapper around GPT!!
- Your company needs to have a functioning website/product.
- Should have at least 100 users(or 200$ in sales)- Should have made at least 200$ revenue
- I will only review and curate the first 50 applications that I get as it’s only going to be me reviewing the applications.
- I am planning on sending the newsletter only to the investors not the applicants(founders) itself. But if you guys want it, I can send it to you guys(founders) as well.
- The newsletter will be sent out once a month.Would you guys be Interested ?
- For now if you are interested you can just DM me your link to your startup website and a short description of why you need investment (please don’t make this too long!! 400-500 words at the most) Also an email we can reach it out to you incase we want to invest or you want to receive the newsletter.
- I will not be mass-emailing so even if you opt into to get the newsletter you(founders) might not receive it except for the top 5 companies chosen.

  • 23594F4C4FOPB
    10 months ago

    Best of luck! just DM me when you have the MVP ready :)