I recently spoke to a music store In relation foe me to get a set of studio monitor headphones for studio reference and for some listening pleasure which I was advised the Bayerdynamic dt770pro 80ohm. I was told the 80ohm would run perfect on my focusrite scatlett 2i2 3rd gen and when I plugged it in I got no more than 10% sound and even that the sound was nothing special. I mentioned this then was told I need a headphone amp which I went and purchased the Mackie hm4 from there website as I was told this has to be the issue and to my disappointment when I plugged them in I got the most distorted muffled bass mids and even highs…I have heard that there ment to be flat but this is non listenable to the point with the amp over 40% the sound is like a set of speaker cones blown. I have been collecting music gear all my life and a set of monitors are what I want to get to maybe help with my music production but also be able to use when my son is listening to loud music so I can concentrate or even plug them into the xbox for gaming. I’m asking this because I am a very unhappy customer and have been advised to get the 32ohm model when I don’t want to do lower after buying an amp. I am looking at a set of Audio-Technica M50xBT2 and a set of Yamaha hph mt7 and I want to get a set that I am happy with. Everyone is trying to tell me there is no low end no mid with flat monitors but this is on another level I couldn’t listen to anything. What I’m asking is are the audio technia Bluetooth any good for what I want or the yamaha…I have yamaha studio monitors and a yamah home cinema amp…I want the best sound possible but it seems I’m going round in circles! Thanks everyone