When I say newbie , its not that I never knew about overwatch , when the first game came out I had stacked a good 2.5 k hours on tf2 so ngl I had a little bias , not to mention people called it the tf2 killer so yeah I was team tf2 for a while.
But now that ive grown up I guess its time to try new things ,anyways…
I know that every hero in this game has their own class specfic passive abillity for tank , dmg , and support. But some heroes like bastion and junkrat have their own additonal passive ability thats unique to them.
But there are heroes that dont , is that just because if they were given one they would be broken? and should they be given their own or they fine as it is?
Also another question , do you guys think that one day theres gonna be too many heroes? Like Mauga is coming in december , and after that , there is another 3 more heroes coming in the next year, so thats alot of heroes being added to the roster.
Tf2 has only 9 mercs, which is comparetivley very little to Overwatch but then again League of Legends has like 160+ so who knows.