My favorite part of the day: reporting random people who say things i don’t like:
You said GG and the game was not fair at all? Reported.
You said devs nerfed symmetra? Reported I don’t like that statement.
The funniest thing? They get ban. and I bloody well know they are banned.
Honestly it’s what y’all deserved. Abusing this report system is fun. I’ll be adivicing everyone to abuse it. Hope they don’t change this. It makes me the day knowing that “actions have been taken”.

One of my accounts was silenced, because of chat abuse. I barely talk in thia game and it’s mostly about what’s new on the patch notes, random things and important question like who likes onions etc. So now I don’t talk, I won’t. I’ll just report everyone. People are not going to talk eventually. Let it be that way then.
It seems like I’m not the only one since I have friends who happens to experience the same as me. Plus it seems like most of my games people just don’t talk, not even in VC, as opposed to OW1 where people talked all random shit and it was enjoyable, it really felt like a community.

Also there is a huge difference between insulting someone and using slurs this game is played by adults and grown ass teens. It doesn’t make sense the countless bans and censorship just because someone says"shit" from time to time.