I’m 1mil+ point Riven , I got D2 last split with 95 % of my games are Riven ( didn’t play this split yet )

I saw the Riven posts lately and I though it would be helpful to give my thought

First of all I want to say please don’t touch any riven mechanics , she is fine and actually hers fast q combo not the problem

the fast q combo and the other combos are the bar to entry to this champ , if you lock in this champ you need to be able to perform these mechanics

this is why non riven players can think it’s the problem

after getting the basics done what makes a good riven is not the cancels but it’s actually the matchup knowledge and how to approach each situation and trade patterns

what makes a master Riven is the slight edge , the smallest of details to get an advantage ( example q 3 in place to cancel Gragas e or Jax q and get out of range of counter strike )

ok now the problem :

even if you are a Riven master there is nothing you can do in certain situations .

example : enemy Malphite respected you both of you did not make any mistakes , he win by default after first base ( tabi or chain vest reset ) , there is nothing you can do to kill him ( assuming he plays like a human ofc ) it’s not worth interacting with him and your only option is to farm your way up to 3 items then you can play the game .

examples like these are many

Riven problem she has 0 agency if she does not cheese first few levels , if both sides are even she loses by default from first base until 2/3 items … she scales very well into the late game

all enemy have to do to win lane is not die and get 800/1100 gold

The solutions :

The lame solution : Give riven a buff to Hp regen and maybe some starts like armor and mr so she at least can looks for an advantage before first base or she can build black cleaver first so have a bit of sustain and flat hp

The Broken solution : Basically what Riven main asking and if it happened will see 100 reddit post in weeks complaining , you guess it right it’s built in armor pen … this will break riven most likely cause armor pen applies to aa and abilities

The Middle ground solution : change Riven passive damage type , maybe nerf the numbers but instead of physicals make it magical damage or true damage , this way she has a way to deal with armor stacking but not an insane buff that will make her aoe nuke an entire team if she has flash up … it can be like Corki passive ,and plated steel caps can still reduce her passive aa damage but if you make it magical or true it will help deal with tanks if the riven player is good enough to get dozens of rotations without making a mistake and losing instantly

  • Outrageous-Elk-5392B
    10 months ago

    When someone brought up aatrox getting magical damage some riven mains were against it cause they like building lethality, some were even calling it a nerf even though it did increase his wr against malphite and other armor stackers from 45% to 49% and he was the rank 1 toplaner after the change