Team is full of Veterans, guys who’ve played in the league and together for a while!

Who the hell cares if we aren’t perfect? Come end of the Regular season it’ll be us on top. I haven’t a doubt about that.

They’re saving Khris for late in the season, the team just looks different and Giannis feels and plays way better when it’s those 2.

Dame hasn’t figured out what area code he’s in because god his shot looks trash 70% of the game. But then crunch time comes and oh look at that! He’s back!!! Just let the man cook. Hes going thru a difficult time with his personal life. Probably just a mental thing with him.

Y’all love Bobby so much but now he’s getting starter minutes it’s a bad thing? Coach AG’s, IMO, thinks Bobby is a better fit in his base set then Brook is. That’s completely logical Brook is nicknamed Mountain for a reason, dude also has the mobility of one. Just let Coach learn and implement some of last years sets. I’ve seen it work this year in a couple instances. I just don’t think he’s fully comfortable with running it yet. Or maybe just get Brook a scooter idk.

Pat looks washed early, I’m holding my verdict till playoffs, but he does look like he’s regressed a bit. And stop comparing him to Grayson, I don’t think the trade gets done if you swap the too. But, I do think he’s might be gone mid season. There’s to much of a log jam at SG. Something has to give, we need another ball handler for when Dame is MIA.

Beasley is a type, and god they weren’t kidding when they said when he’s a microwave. There’s been a couple games, think the Boston or Toronto game, he was the Boy! Dude couldn’t miss a 3. Coach needs to recognize and hold his shot better.

Final thoughts, Giannis, Dame, Khris that is a trio to good to lose. We are a playoff team, of course these midcard plebs are going to sink there teeth in early. They’ll be sitting at home eating popcorn eventually while we duke it out with Boston for the ECF.

TLDR: These team has a lot of talent and experience, makes up for Coaches lack of experience. Just let them cook please!

  • JG951519B
    10 months ago

    “Saving khris for late season”

    Is this what y’all are telling yourselves? Lol he was supposed to be off minutes restriction by game 7

  • Cantguard-mikeB
    10 months ago

    It’s not time to panic but being the 26th overall defense 10 games in with 0 improvement …is worrisome

  • WeefBellington24B
    10 months ago

    Bumpy regular season = a ring I won’t care.

    If no finals or championship well then it’s not gonna be good. Things will start getting sad real quick.

  • blacPanther55B
    10 months ago

    What trade assets do you all have in terms of picks?

    Y’all need to go after and Jerami and Mattisse Thybulle or Caruso and maybe Derozan or try and would out a deal for Isaac from the Magic. You need a 2 way wing badly.

  • Just-the-topB
    10 months ago

    Been saying this since the start of the season. These aren’t guys that will just flat out not figure it out. Giannis & Dame alone will figure it out & help us get to the playoffs. I personally believe our struggles lie within Griffin. He’s a first year head coach, but he does have some experience with his assistants. I think he’ll end up being able to put the pieces together and this team will be more cohesive the more they play

  • swaggydagoatB
    10 months ago

    I totally feel you and I’m in the boat of I’m not calling for heads to roll just yet.

    However, we should not be losing games the way we do and our wins don’t look good either. Other than that Philly win, our early season resume is not great.

    I had a friend mockingly bet Cam Thomas going for 45 against us, that’s how bad our defense is right now.

    There needs to be some conversation to be had about this cause these habits will carry into the postseason.