I know discipline is the main ingredient. A little back story to contextualoze the sttuggle:

This year was tough, from like, a ‘getting set up and operational perspective’. Was basically ‘go go go’ until the point I had achieved everything I had set out to, and then some.

After that, I took some time off, did some traveling/soul searching but didn’t really do much intense work aside from regular maintence stuff.

Had a client come up recently and wants to start a new project that I have 2.5 months to prepare a bunch of things for. It’s exciting and has huge potential.

We spent a week drinking, getting some work done and chatting. He’s gone now, and my plan is to slowly ramp back into a normal routine.

Wake up, coffee, gym, read, then sit at the computer, organize, plan and move things to action. Stuff I used to enjoy and never struggled with this much.

I guess I’ve become a bit rusty having taken time off from the grind. I know I just have to force myself to get back into it (particularly sitting at the pc) but right now is the struggle point.

Any tips, perspective or advice to get back into the right mindset more quickly and actually get excited about the whole endeavor?