Hello i keep having a misfire code come back on cylinder one on my car. I swapped spark plugs and it still came back (swapped 1 and 2 and both are brand new) still the misfire came back on one. I put my camera tool inside the cylinder and saw a lot of fuel on top of the piston (could also smell a good amount of fuel) i replaced the injector on that cylinder and found the gasket had been torn probably causing fuel to leak on by. Even after replacing that the next day i found the pending misfire come has come back. The guy i bought this car from did mention something about the cat being bad could that be the cause? there’s a small smell of fuel from the engine bay but its not as strong as it was with that leaky injector where the whole car reeked of fuel. Also i just did the head gasket on this car and the coolant doesn’t smell like exhaust nor is it overheating at all. It’s also driving really well