We can can clinch the division on Christmws Eve 12/24. Regardless of of what any other team does if we win all 5 games between them and beat the Vikings then we have the division. There is no chance for them to beat us. At that point we’d be playing for #1 seed.
We can clinch it before 12/24 by winning our next 5 games and if the Vikings drop 2 games we have a 4 game lead on them and at that point we clinch the division with 3 games left.
Our next 5 games:
Home vs Bears
Home vs GB
At the Saints
At the Bears
Home vs Broncos
These are ALL games we should win. Any given Sunday we can lose to any NFL team. If we take care of business we could be NFCN champs by Christmas and that is the best Christmas gift I can think of.
Idk about division but we probably lock up a spot either @chicago or Vs Denver