Question; and maybe I’m missing something, but I am curious

I been seeing people saying Kenny played like shit vs the Packers, and I am not sure why? He was 14/23 with at least 3, probably 5, dropped passes that I can remember, including a TD.

Why are people acting like he played like shit? Is it just the low yardage no touchdown through the air thing? If so, I shall ignore the idiocy, but maybe I’m missing something blatant? Or people don’t remember how run first ball goes, when it works i guess?

***I do wanna be clear, I am not talking about the SEASON. I know he has had consistent issues on 3ish passes per game, in the first half especially, on routes that you shouldn’t have issues on. I am just talking about the Packers game right now***

  • Ok_Card9080B
    10 months ago

    Yesterday wasn’t Kenny’s best game, and it’s not necessarily because of what you read in the stat line. He had some really poor reads, throwing into really tight coverage unnecessarily. He had one throw that should’ve been a pick, but the Packers player didn’t get both feet in bounds. He had the bad pass to Warren that was behind him, and probably could’ve been ruled a backwards pass for a Packers TD, which would’ve changed the game completely, when all he had to do was throw it in front of Warren. There was one play that he tried to force a pass on a short sideline route on 3rd down, that fell incomplete, but if he took a second to scan the field, he had both Johnson and Austin open behind their defenders and would’ve been walk in TDs. Now, I’m a Pickett fan. I believe he can be a very good QB in the league and needs more time and better coaching to be fully judged. But yesterday was not his best performance. Now again, Johnson did drop a deep ball that hit him right in his hands again, which didn’t help. But I think Kenny panics a little and tries to rush throws into coverage. Nothing that can’t be fixed with proper coaching.