Its not a secret that League has impacted millions but what keeps people coming back? I believe theres a couple reason but one people don’t think of a lot is the amount of builds in the game. Being able to play one character for hours and hours with only 4 abilities and a passive is impressive but imagine if you built the same thing every game it would get stale very quickly.Then imagine this, every character in the game has ap/ad ratios so there were always to entirely different ways to play these characters.One of my favorite characters is shaco and ever since i first played him i didn’t know what i was supposed to build ap or ad, but i kept playing and experimenting and found out what i liked on him. After probably a 100 games i found one of my favorite play styles and its my own with only 4 abilities and a passive i spent countless hours figuring it out, now imagine instead of 4 abilities and a passive its 20 abilities and 5 passives with 5 other classes to choose from all having ap/ad scaling it’s unbelievable the amount of time could be spent on one character, finding your own character/playstyle its so cool to think about.thank you for reading i don’t write so i hope it even made a little sense!