I know 23/4/7 looks like a respectable statline, his points and assists are up. His rebounding is down, but that’s more about who he shares the floor with. But, he is just not helping his team win games in any way because everything else just kind of… sucks.

50.2ts% with a 31% usg rate. Career worst -7.5 netrtg. His defense is visibly worse than even his rookie year, and it shows in the stats. He’s gone from 1.9 stocks/g as a rook to .9 this season. Career worst DBPM of -3.7 so far. And the turnovers… 5 tov/g leads “qualified” players by a decent chunk . I get that Detroits got a lot of problems, but Cade doesn’t seem like he’s the answer to any of them.

There was a lot of buzz around Cade this off season, especially during the pre-FIBA USA select scrims, but he hasn’t shown any growth or improvement so far just more volume. I don’t think he’s about to wash out of the league or anything, but he’s starting to look like a Wiggins-esque disappointment. I don’t like to root against guys, especially not young guys trying to figure it out. I’d be perfectly happy is this is a reverse-jinx and he starts killing it tomorrow. But right now I don’t see anything that says Cade can be “the guy” on even a decent team.

  • johnjohn2214B
    10 months ago

    No but… I don’t think he is a lead point guard. He is a wing creator. The ball should be in his hands at specific times. They need a lead ball handler who has a tight handle and can create space with ease. Cade should get the ball on the move and not play the ‘Luka’ slow paced methodical game. Luka is stronger than 95% of the league.including bigs. Luka is a way scarier shooter on the move. Cade can’t handle the double teams that know his playbook. He loses the ball and always seems gassed by the end of the game. He should play a bit more like Tatum.