Hear me out . I’m a q1 or q2 deck owner . I love the device to bits . It’s probably my favorite handheld or tied with it or all time .

But since the ally came out … I’ve hardly used it . I thought about selling it but I just couldn’t part with something that gave me so much joy lol. I collect handhelds of all sorts , I just got an Odín 2 in the mail (which is amazing btw ) , so that’s not too surprising

The biggest reason why I haven’t played my deck is in fact the screen…I really hate that og deck screen, it makes the games look ugly … but also all the tinkering . I really enjoyed tinkering but it got to a point where I would tinker more than actually play games.

Now I absolutely LOVE oled technology . I hated the og switch but the SWOLED is a game changer. I’ve actually rebought games on switch because of the oled . But as opposed to my og switch , my steam deck is barely 2 years. It’s still perfectly functional .

I don’t think as a responsible adult it’s a good decision specially since the performance is the same …. I could try to sell it but my deck has some defects from the q1 era that I’m afraid might affect resell value to the point it wouldn’t be worth it … I never bothered to RMA it because I was afraid they would give me an open box unit and that’s when the decks were still hard to come by .

Anyways … I am so conflicted . On one hand it’s something that would restore my love of the deck … on the other hand it’s a very poor “adult” decision I think.