Had a lust for cereal last weekend. Decided to open the Chubb Crunch that had been in the basement pantry since 2021. Obviously this is the reason for both victories since. Both times I cut it with the wife’s Rice Chex, Chubb Crunch is very sweet and I’m sweet enough.

There are 317g left in the bag and a serving size is 1cup / 41g, which I estimate I’ve been doing about 2/3s of that cutting it with the rice Chex. If I continue with this, I have just enough for the remaining eight games but then nothing for playoffs.

If I reduce the serving size, I could stretch it out longer but would that reduce efficacy?

OR, I pick four regular season games to use this cheat code cereal and save the other four for the Super Bowl run, but that means chancing finishing 10-7 and that’s likely not good enough.

Guys. What do?