We are building a new social marketplace for Handmade items and business.

A few years back, I stumbled upon Etsy – a haven for creators like us. It felt tailor-made for my niche, a marketplace that truly got it. But, as time passed, the landscape shifted.

The struggles of high fees, battling copycats, wrestling with SEO, and dealing with scammers. It got tough, really tough. That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. Leveraging my product development know-how, I embarked on building something unique – a different kind of marketplace for handmade and craft items.

Crazy, right? Why compete with the Etsy giant? Well, we’ve got an amazing team, and what we’ve built is extraordinary – Veni, a social marketplace fueled by content and video. We’ve packed in features designed to boost organic traffic and help you expand your reach without burning a hole in your pocket. Veni isn’t just a platform; it’s a community where your voice matters.

So, what’s the scoop on Veni?

  • We’re going live in about four weeks for beta sellers, and already testing some features with over 100+ sellers & buyers in closed version.
  • Every feature we craft is geared toward maximizing your exposure – no need to fork out cash for ads (check out our product showcase feature!).
  • We keep a close eye on items and sellers to keep our social marketplace free from copycats and mass-production factories.
  • Oh, and did I mention? We charge a very low fee per transaction – no listing fees or crazy charges.

Have you got questions? Drop them in the comments, and I’ll make sure to answer them all.

Don’t forget to swing by our website at https://www.veni-craft.com/