Hi all,

​Data will be for 13.21 -> 13.22.

Last update (UTC): 2023-11-13 19:59

​EST: 2023-11-13 14:59 / PT: 2023-11-13 11:59

An update on why this is so late and my current situation:

After the recent Phreak (Karthus ult) incident I got really depressed from Reddit and how this all went down. So much hate. It really hit me, as I do have a heavy depression and I am glad when I have some good days. But this one really destroyed my mental for 3 days. Yes, maybe it is a “me”-problem, maybe not. But the only solution for me is to step away from the internet and especially Reddit.

Today I was finally ready again to work on my project a little bit, but having to post it here made me lose my motivation again multiple times today.

The solution: I am going to step away from Reddit for some time. I will try to be back when the new season starts, but I can’t promise it. I will still make my posts on my website and link it on twitter, but not on Reddit till I am mentaly more stable again

I am sorry that I have to take that step, but my mental health, and with it my whole live, is more important. But I will try to get back in good shape to be a - hopefully positive - part of the community again.

If you want to find out first about a new post:

Twitter: ADeadMansName

The full list with more details on: Impact - Patch 13.22 - Deadmansplate


Rammus jgl

52.4% WR <= Diff: +2.0% <= 50.3% WR

3.0% PR <= +2% PR <= 3.0% PR

Games: 60,522

As expected, the buff of +10 Armor to the W was too large. He is still a niche counter pick and gets worse in higher elos, but just +5 Armor would have been enough to get him back in line.

Dr.Mundo top

51.1% WR <= Diff: +1.6% <= 49.5% WR

2.4% PR <= +9% PR <= 2.2% PR

Games: 48,071

His buffs are a bit smaller than Rammus and he was also in a worse spot. He landed really well and has no problems before Diamond.

TwistedFate mid

50.9% WR <= Diff: +1.4% <= 49.5% WR

3.6% PR <= +17% PR <= 3.1% PR

Games: 71,474

His buff may seem small but it is a ~18% faster windup for the AA, meaning he stands still ~82 of the time compared to before. That is massive when it comes to kiting. But his WRrise also has a 2nd reason. More people get Ludens and Lich Bane compared to before.

Gragas jgl

47.9% WR <= Diff: +1.0% <= 46.9% WR

2.3% PR <= +8% PR <= 2.1% PR

Games: 46,313

The new E CDR is a way better mechanic for him. He is on the edge of being viable in the jungle again, at least with AP.

Heimerdinger sup

50.4% WR <= Diff: +0.9% <= 49.5% WR

1.2% PR <= +8% PR <= 1.1% PR

Games: 23,360

Annie mid

51.5% WR <= Diff: +0.8% <= 50.7% WR

1.2% PR <= +6% PR <= 1.2% PR

Games: 24,688

Neeko sup

49.9% WR <= Diff: +0.8% <= 49.1% WR

2.4% PR <= +2% PR <= 2.4% PR

Games: 47,699

Singed top

53.1% WR <= Diff: +0.7% <= 52.3% WR

1.8% PR <= +6% PR <= 1.7% PR

Games: 35,956

LeBlanc mid

47.7% WR <= Diff: +0.7% <= 46.9% WR

3.6% PR <= +4% PR <= 3.4% PR

Games: 71,642

A nice little buiff to her. AD builds are still terrible, so pls stop boing for it.

Xerath sup, mid

51.7% WR <= Diff: +0.8% <= 50.9% WR

6.3% PR <= -0% PR <= 6.3% PR

Games: 124,301

A tiny buff to Xerath support.

52.3% WR <= Diff: +0.6% <= 51.7% WR

3.5% PR <= +7% PR <= 3.3% PR

Games: 70,128

A decent buff to Xerath mid. CSing and AAing is a lot smoother. He doesn’t use it as much as TF, so it doesn’t impact him a ton, but it is meaningful

Brand sup, jgl, mid

50.3% WR <= Diff: +0.6% <= 49.7% WR

4.0% PR <= +8% PR <= 3.7% PR

Games: 79,556

Support Brand is still ok, but mid slowly takes over.

49.8% WR <= Diff: +1.6% <= 48.2% WR

2.0% PR <= +27% PR <= 1.6% PR

Games: 40,601

Still not really a thing.

50.9% WR <= Diff: +0.7% <= 50.2% WR

1.2% PR <= +27% PR <= 0.9% PR

Games: 23,160

Brand mid is starting to look like the better Brand.


TahmKench top, bot, sup

50.2% WR <= Diff: -2.2% <= 52.4% WR

3.5% PR <= -21% PR <= 4.4% PR

Games: 69,229

Again a great nerf. He is not useless top but not OP anymore either. Very strong early game, but falls off very hard.

54.2% WR <= Diff: -2.6% <= 56.8% WR

1.1% PR <= -7% PR <= 1.2% PR

Games: 22,446

48.8% WR <= Diff: -0.7% <= 49.5% WR

1.3% PR <= -9% PR <= 1.4% PR

Games: 25,475

Nilah bot

51.4% WR <= Diff: -1.6% <= 53.0% WR

2.7% PR <= -15% PR <= 3.2% PR

Games: 54,923

She was pretty much the best bot laner for months. She is finally down while still having a niche PR.

Senna sup

50.8% WR <= Diff: -1.5% <= 52.3% WR

14.2% PR <= -6% PR <= 15.1% PR

Games: 280,434

Balance is on point this patch with most nerfs. Totally fine and acceptable Senna nerf.

Kassadin mid

51.3% WR <= Diff: -0.9% <= 52.2% WR

3.1% PR <= -31% PR <= 4.5% PR

Games: 62,152

Like most nerfs this patch, totally reasonable and Kassadin landed really well.

Graves jgl

50.3% WR <= Diff: -0.7% <= 51.1% WR

12.1% PR <= -15% PR <= 14.3% PR

Games: 242,927

Graves landed pretty well. Not much to say except: gj Balance team.

Ziggs mid

50.8% WR <= Diff: -0.7% <= 51.5% WR

2.7% PR <= -9% PR <= 3.0% PR

Games: 54,733

Mid lane Ziggs was mostly hit harder than bot, but the difference is tiny.

Seraphine sup, bot

48.8% WR <= Diff: -0.6% <= 49.4% WR

3.4% PR <= -5% PR <= 3.5% PR

Games: 66,543

She is pretty much back where she was before all the changes except that more power is now in the E instead of the W.

53.8% WR <= Diff: -1.6% <= 55.4% WR

1.0% PR <= -12% PR <= 1.1% PR

Games: 19,838

She is pretty much back where she was before all the changes except that more power is now in the E instead of the W.

Buffs indirect

Ashe sup

47.7% WR <= Diff: +0.8% <= 47.0% WR

2.7% PR <= +134% PR <= 1.2% PR

Games: 53,952

Renata sup

51.1% WR <= Diff: +1.1% <= 50.0% WR

3.6% PR <= +21% PR <= 3.0% PR

Games: 72,296

Varus bot

48.9% WR <= Diff: +0.0% <= 48.9% WR

5.7% PR <= +66% PR <= 3.4% PR

Games: 114,184

Nerfs indirect


Graves top

46.0% WR

0.6% PR

Games: 12,533

Ahri top

46.6% WR

0.8% PR

Games: 14,966

Rumble jgl

50.0% WR

0.6% PR

Games: 12,713

Rell jgl

47.9% WR

0.9% PR

Games: 17,784


Ivern jgl

53.3% WR <= Diff: +0.7% <= 52.6% WR

1.8% PR <= -2% PR <= 1.9% PR

Games: 36,359

Zilean sup

51.2% WR <= Diff: +0.6% <= 50.6% WR

2.3% PR <= +1% PR <= 2.2% PR

Games: 45,123

Taliyah jgl, mid

50.4% WR <= Diff: +0.5% <= 49.9% WR

3.4% PR <= +8% PR <= 3.2% PR

Games: 68,740

51.4% WR <= Diff: +0.5% <= 50.9% WR

1.9% PR <= -10% PR <= 2.1% PR

Games: 37,939

Veigar mid

51.1% WR <= Diff: +0.5% <= 50.6% WR

4.0% PR <= +2% PR <= 3.9% PR

Games: 79,759

Zoe mid

49.7% WR <= Diff: +0.4% <= 49.3% WR

2.2% PR <= +10% PR <= 2.0% PR

Games: 44,027

K’Sante top, mid

50.1% WR <= Diff: +0.5% <= 49.6% WR

12.2% PR <= -0% PR <= 12.2% PR

Games: 241,452

K’Sante slowly climbs into the danger area again and nerfs next patch will fix that.

50.2% WR <= Diff: +0.8% <= 49.3% WR

0.9% PR <= -6% PR <= 1.0% PR

Games: 18,124

Syndra mid

50.6% WR <= Diff: +0.4% <= 50.2% WR

10.0% PR <= +5% PR <= 9.6% PR

Games: 200,614

Vel’Koz sup, mid

49.9% WR <= Diff: +0.4% <= 49.5% WR

1.7% PR <= -1% PR <= 1.7% PR

Games: 34,016

49.7% WR <= Diff: +0.3% <= 49.4% WR

0.7% PR <= +5% PR <= 0.6% PR

Games: 13,612

Briar jgl

52.7% WR <= Diff: +0.5% <= 52.2% WR

6.9% PR <= -9% PR <= 7.6% PR

Games: 137,880

Her nerfs mostly just counter her gain in expertise by her players. She is still a top tier jungler and the rise of the Lethality build.

Teemo top

49.7% WR <= Diff: +0.3% <= 49.5% WR

2.9% PR <= -0% PR <= 2.9% PR

Games: 57,471

Orianna mid

50.1% WR <= Diff: +0.0% <= 50.1% WR

15.4% PR <= +14% PR <= 13.5% PR

Games: 308,249

Anivia mid

52.0% WR <= Diff: +0.2% <= 51.8% WR

2.0% PR <= +3% PR <= 1.9% PR

Games: 39,617

Lissandra mid

50.8% WR <= Diff: +0.1% <= 50.7% WR

3.4% PR <= -2% PR <= 3.5% PR

Games: 68,317

Karthus jgl

50.4% WR <= Diff: +0.1% <= 50.4% WR

2.6% PR <= -3% PR <= 2.7% PR

Games: 52,609

Rumble top, mid

47.9% WR <= Diff: -0.1% <= 48.0% WR

3.5% PR <= +5% PR <= 3.3% PR

Games: 69,494

50.9% WR <= Diff: +0.2% <= 50.7% WR

0.7% PR <= +1% PR <= 0.7% PR

Games: 13,512

Ryze mid

48.9% WR <= Diff: -0.1% <= 49.0% WR

1.6% PR <= +1% PR <= 1.5% PR

Games: 31,278

Gragas top

46.7% WR <= Diff: -0.2% <= 46.9% WR

1.0% PR <= +5% PR <= 1.0% PR

Games: 20,096

Neeko mid

50.5% WR <= Diff: -0.2% <= 50.8% WR

2.8% PR <= +1% PR <= 2.8% PR

Games: 56,947

Cassiopeia mid

50.7% WR <= Diff: -0.1% <= 50.8% WR

1.6% PR <= -8% PR <= 1.7% PR

Games: 31,867

Ahri mid

49.5% WR <= Diff: -0.2% <= 49.6% WR

6.6% PR <= -10% PR <= 7.4% PR

Games: 132,113

Ziggs bot

53.2% WR <= Diff: -0.4% <= 53.6% WR

4.8% PR <= -9% PR <= 5.3% PR

Games: 96,577

The nerf is tiny for botlane Ziggs except for very high elos. Mid lane Zigs was hit slightly harder.

Janna sup

50.1% WR <= Diff: -2.1% <= 52.2% WR

6.1% PR <= +90% PR <= 3.2% PR

Games: 121,204

Her WR is down but her PR is up by a lot. She also still has extra potential in her skills and items.

The full list with more details on: Impact - Patch 13.22 - Deadmansplate

Thanks for reading and discussing. I wish you all a good time in league.

  • hyperzone1B
    10 months ago

    im confused what happened with phreak and karthus ult? also sorry, your hiatus is well deserved❤