I know it looks like I simply hopped all over and tried different businesses, but it was a journey… One that I hope you read through to see what I’m getting at.

Making and selling paracord bracelets at the age of 13, selling them for $2 with 80% margins, and then hiring my siblings to sell even more. That was the beginning. By the age of 15, the dream re-ignited, forcing me in the direction of investments.

Losing money through trading in a joint account for a number of years, it wasn’t until the age of 19 in the winter of 2022 that I got back to the grind.

Moving to a custom car clothing brand, and then a social media management company (both of these didn’t make a profit because of inexperience), I was soon into a new opportunity.

A new upcoming agency was hiring remote salespeople. I joined and showed promise while working the regular farm work and planning for my next year of university. It was busy, but I loved it. I began training the new hires, and managing the current sales team as executive role.

Things started to fall apart, though, as people got hungry for money, positions, and power. Being late summer of 2023, I needed something to do that could get me out of my third year of university which was coming up. I started my own agency with the business partner that I ran the clothing brand and initial agency with. With an associate from the sales team, we created a dropshipping store. There have been changes since then (bringing me to 10 businesses later) but now I feel that the experience to take the next step is sufficient.

I found something through all of this… There will be failures, pain, problems, twists, and turns. It all happens because it’s a journey that controls you just as much as you control the journey. it’s your choice to start this journey, but there is no escaping it.

What do I have to show for the businesses I had? nothing. I blew what money I had and I’m still in university. I will never quit.

I’ve crossed the point of no return. What failed businesses moved you forward the most?

  • Bozorboy--B
    10 months ago

    The drive is really great. However, I do think you have been hopping too much. You say that you didn’t make money on the clothing and SMMA because you were inexperienced. What if you became experienced? Not necessarily those two, but just putting all your effort into one business for at-least a couple years. It’s extremely rare to have a successful business if you barely know more about it than the customer. Spend a while learning the ins and outs. Then combine that with your learned business knowledge. (How to get a good website, how to use human psychology to your advantage, etc)

    I’m not gonna act like I’m a millionaire, but that’s what I’ve learned. I’m 19, and I have started 3 businesses since 13. This last one I started mid 2022. I put all my attention, and time into learning about it for a year. Then I payed for a nice website, and ads. That made a monumental difference. I’m fully booked out now and next step is hiring.

    • Itchy_Neighborhood51OPB
      10 months ago

      Amazing work. And yes, you’re right. I only came to realize this lately as well. I’ve been moving things off my plate so that I can focus specifically on what I want to do.

      Thanks for this comment