What something people usually don’t know/notice about the show? What’s a lil easter egg or fun fact you may know about the show? I’m Intrigued.
There are amazing episodes besides the View From Halfway Down and Time’s Arrow etc. yet everyone’s favorites are the same few highly-dramatic episodes. Of course those are masterpieces! But the whole show is.
I posted about this a couple of days ago, but the short version: BoJack references gay Hollywood star Rock Hudson the very moment before we see Herb for the first time at the comedy club.
The background details of the opening credits change to reflect what’s going on in the show and even drops hints about plot lines.
Johnny 2 Cellos on YouTube has a whole video about it.
S2E6 - Mr. Peanutbutter’s accountant says that Mr. Peanutbutter gave “kindergarteners” 50,000$, and then it flashes to Vincent Adultman 'doing a business ’
In the kill dat fetus music video the rapper is Jay-Zebra
I think there is also a point in the show where the animators literally put in the background “stop pausing and just watch the show!”