Been trying out the new quickplay mode as I remember a time many years ago where they had something similar where you could pre-pick your champion before queuing up (forget the name of it).

While I really want this mode to be functional, people are already making it unfun and unplayable.

In the same game I had:

  • Xayah support who didn’t get a support item, played the game as if they were ADC, forced the real ADC to AFK and then refused to ff the 4 v 5.
  • Lux jungle who did not have smite (which seems insane that this would even be allowed). She got a support item but tried to duo mid and then just roam around the map. Also refused to ff the 4 v 5.

Neither of these two players typed anything during the game, no pings, no communication at all.

I get being frustrated with your teammates in game. I get (to a much lesser extent) being frustrated with your teammates in champ select.

But signing up to join a game with no fore-knowledge of your teammates to a mode where you can absolutely play your desired champ and role, and then play in a way that will not only guarantee a loss, but make it crazy unfun for your teammates is something I really don’t understand. Even if it’s a “haha, gottem so mad he made a reddit post”. Congrats? You held us hostage for 30 minutes for the lolz.

Our community is small. Like really small. But for some reason the goal is to alienate each other to a point where we actively walk away from the game.

Can I say something controversial? I LIKE THE GAME. I like the champions, the buttons, the improvement curve, the frequent patching, the map, the strategy, etc. And I’ve had great fun playing with teammates who are trying to win. Wombo combos. Invades. Skirmishing over vision. Stealing barons. Backdoor splitpushing. All that stuff is great. I’m not sure why there is a large chunk (large enough that it can feel like every game) of players who are so quick to anger. So quick to be mean and ferocious to someone else over a miscommunication on a gank. A top laner who dies twice before I can get 2 buffs that just spam pings me and afks. A jungler who tilts and rages because you got last hit on scuttle crab 30 minutes into the game. An ADC who will actively die repeatedly if you have the audacity to accidently last hit a caster minion. A support who forgets to get a sweeper when their item evolves and then refuses to get one out of spite when you remind them. And of course, the main character mid where any assist they get is considered a kill stolen.

I just think we all need to calm down a bit. Some of the rhetoric in the scene has trickled down in an unhealthy way. When streamers see that a top laner is up 10 cs at 10 minutes and declare the game over. When someone misses a skillshot and are considered inting. The expectations of your teammates is too high (almost certainly too high for whatever ELO you are in) and expecting/demanding perfect play that aligns with how you see the game is not possible. So stop being so mad about it.

I didn’t mean for this to turn into a whole rant, but here we are…

  • eggroll85OPB
    1 年前

    Possible. But then the game should do a better job of recommending champs in roles and make the UI easier to use. Been playing a long time but it took me a second to figure out summoner spells and runes while queuing up.