Granted, perhaps people are but I haven’t seen any popular posts talking about it. I do not in any way understand why in the hell they would remove Terrorist Hunt. This to me is a fundamental mode of the game that I have had countless hours of fun with friends with. The few arguments I see are “oh the shooting range is better to practice”, even if this is true (which personally I believe is arguable), there is still no reason to remove t-hunt.
I simply do not understand this decision and in my opinion is the dumbest thing they have ever done. I’m absolutely furious and heartbroken.
I still don’t think this is the same thing. Even if some prefer it as a warm up mode (which is fine, it kinda is for pure aiming) it does not replace the mode itself for anyone who actually enjoys playing it. Hell, even the new ai defender mode, which does sound fun and cool, I still wouldn’t consider a suitable replacement for terrorist hunt. T Hunt is it’s own special thing that really can’t just be replaced with a firing range