I contacted Customer Support today because I noticed I wasn’t getting the amazon prime packs in-game. I saw I had two EA accounts so I went to get it fixed. This is the transcript from what just happened. Am I crazy? I’m a little sick to my stomach right now… (edited out the time stamps and personal information)

*Agent* - Thank you for contacting EA HELP, my name is *Agent*, may I start with your first name please?

*Me* - My name is *Me*

*Agent* - Hi *Me*! I hope you are doing well. How may I assist you today?

*Me* - I unintentionally create two EA accounts and I haven’t noticed until now

*Me* - I have one EA account with all my games, and another that have my Xbox and PlayStation account linked to it. Now I cant unlink my PS and XB account from the extra one and link it to my main (PC) one

*Agent* - As I understood, you want to link your platforms and pc to your one account. Correct?

*Me* - Correct

*Me* - Because you can only connect 1 account in the lifetime of the EA account, it will not let me do this

*Agent* - Not to worry, I will definitely try my best to help you in this regard.

*Agent* - Could you please help me with your email address linked with your EA account?

*Me* - My main account that I want to keep is linked to *my email*

*Me* - The account name is *My account name*

*Agent* - Thank you for the email address.

*Agent* - May I know your other account in which your PSN and Xbox is link?

*Me* - My other account is *My old email*

*Me* - I just unlinked my PSN and XB accounts as I was attempting to link them on my main account

*Agent* - Please try to link and do let me know, if you face any issue.

*Me* - Okay I am trying now

*Me* - I cannot link my PSN account, but my Xbox account worked

*Me* - It looks like my Main account somehow got connected to my childs PSN account at some point

*Me* - I do have a question. Is my progress in Battlefield 2042 on PS5 linked to my EA account? Will I lose that progress?

*Agent* - May I know the PSN username of EA account?

*Me* - *My PSN name*

*Agent* - Could you please confirm that why you want to link a new platform account. Is it because of the wrong platform being added to the account?

*Me* - It looks like I did link the wrong account in the past, though I don’t know when

*Me* - So yes

*Me* - and I have an extra EA account that I want to merger

*Agent* - Before I grant a exception to link PlayStation in the account I’d like to inform you that the platform account needs to be free and not linked to any other EA Account.

*Me* - Okay. It is not linked

*Me* - Will I lose my Battlefield progress?

*Me* - on PS5

*Agent* - If you unlink your platform then your platform will unlink.

*Me* - right

*Agent* - I’ve successfully granted the exception to link Xbox in the account, please follow the below link as surely now you’ll be able to link Xbox in the account and if you face any issue please feel free to let me know about the same.

*Ea help link*

*Me* - I just logged into Battlefield and I have lost all my progress!!

*Me* - This is what I was asking

*Me* - I have hundreds of hours into this…

*Agent* - Sure!

*Me* - No this is bad

*Me* - I have lost my progress

*Me* - This is what I asked above

*Agent* - You have unlinked your PSN from your another account and this is the reason you have lost all the progress.

*Me* - …

*Me* - I asked you if this would happen and you did not give me an answer

*Agent* - I have informed you that if platform will unlink then your platform will unlink.

*Me* - Please tell me there is something we can do. I cannot believe this just happened

*Me* - That doesnt make sense

*Me* - “If platform will unlink then your platform will unlink.” is saying the exact same thing twice

*Me* - That is not an answer to the question “will I lose my progress”

*Agent* - I wish I could do but if progress got lost so we do not have option to restore the progress because there is no tool to restore.

*Me* - You have got to be joking

*Agent* - Please do accept my sincere apology. I am afraid of that I won’t be able to offer a solution to your concern other than this. If this were in my hands I would have been the happiest person to help you. Unfortunately, I am bound as per the process and policy of the company not to do this. I hope you can understand the situation as if now.

*Me* - Can you move my PSN account back to my extra EA account then?

*Agent* - If you link your PSN to another account still your progress will not comeback.

*Me* - Where is the progress tied?

*Me* - to the EA account?

*Me* - this is unreal

*Me* - How could you do so much irreversible damage with such vague information?

*Me* - I bought and finished the past 4 battlepass seasons…

*Agent* - If there is any chance so I would have done before your ask.

*Me* - That sentence doesn’t make sense

*Me* - Can you please escalate this?

*Agent* - Let me check with my team once again.

*Agent* - May I place your chat on hold for 4 minutes?

*Me* - yes

*Agent* - Thank you so much for the co-operation.

*Agent* - Thank you so much for waiting. I really appreciate that you took out your precious time to share your insights about this. I hope you understand that we cannot make instant changes to it, but do not worry! I will surely mark strong feedback for it as per your words and make sure it reaches to the right place, so that the team can check and analyze to make fruitful changes. Please wait and I suggest you to keep checking your mail as well as because I am mentioning your account to team and it might you receive soon.