I started siege almost a year ago and I’ve never been hardstuck as I am now and it’s not because of my skill, well it is but it’s not something I can fix.

I’ve reached emerald 2 in 4 seasons and now I don’t think I can rank up any further, I don’t even want to play infact. The matchmaking in this game is the worst I’ve ever seen, it does not make any sense at all.

I regularly play against champs and people who have way more gametime than me and I can do nothing about it, I just always lose the gunfights as they’re just better. Before you say ranks don’t matter, they do and a champ will always be better than me, not every champ is boosted.

Is anyone else in emerald just struggling? Struggling to play against people in their own rank? This is the only game which make me play against people way higher than me and I don’t understand.