Name: MFU-626 (Medical Field Unit) “Cory”

Cory is an omnic that was meant to be a medic before gaining sentience. It doubled down on its purpose, filling its body with supply packs. When Lifeweaver came out with his biotechnology, it was a dream come true for Cory. He fused himself with a Tree of Life, in a remarkable display of relentlessness in engineering. Named “Cory” off of the acorns he produces in his body since the fusion.

Role: Support

Health 100+ shield 100

Hitbox the same size as Kiriko’s

Acorn (left click)

A bouncing projectile with a surprising amount of weight behind it.

Type: arcing projectile

Damage: 45


Rate of Fire: 1.6 shots per second.

Ammo: Infinite

Projectile size: 0.2

Projectile Speed: 30m/s

DPS: 72

Acorns bounce four times off of the ground or walls before disappearing if they don’t make contact with a target or something that could destroy them.

Impart Life (LShift): cooldown 5 seconds

Type: Ability

Cory attaches a supply pack to an ally, which they can activate at their leisure by crouching to drop it. It drops a healing field that heals them slowly, and makes them reload almost instantly the first time they need to reload while standing in the healing field.

Move speed: 50% buff (self)

Healing: 20/sec

Duration: 5 seconds. (The movespeed)

5 seconds (the healing)

30 seconds (how long the supply pack stays on an ally before exhausting if they don’t use it.)

Area of effect: 4.5 meters (radius)

When you melee an ally while Impart Life is active you give them a supply pack. They use it by crouching, which drops a healing field. The first time they reload while standing in the healing field it takes 0.1 seconds.

You can have 2 allies equipped with undropped supply packs at a time. If you Impart Life to a third ally, the first ally will lose their supply pack.

Cooldown starts after the movement speed duration has ended.

Misty Dew (E): Cooldown 10 seconds

Throws a mist into the air in front of him, and himself or any allies that walk into the area breath it in and get healed.

Effect type: area of effect.

Healing: 10/cubic meter.

Cast time: 0.2 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds.

Area of effect: 6 meter radius, 2 meters tall.

Cooldown starts after duration has ended or all the healing is used up.

Ultimate: cost 2400

Implant Self

You combine with a target ally. They get your health, and you cannot be targeted. They control the movement, but you have your own camera direction. Whenever you use an ability they are the recipients and origin of the effects. You may continue to use all your abilities and attacks while inside of them, and they are hit by your melee attacks for the sake of Impart Life. If they die while you are implanted, you also die.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Range: 10 meters.

Health: 100 health + 100 shield.

With the two of you in the same spot, you take 50% knockback.