My SO isn’t an audiophile so she doesn’t really understand what I’m saying. Honestly, it could just be a ‘me’ thing.

My speakers are full range IMO, and I can hear down into the 20hz range. But I don’t feel like I’m experiencing the music. I have been contemplating getting a subwoofer to have the impact to feel the low end instead of just hearing it.

Anyone else ever felt like this too? Or am I just over thinking it?

  • Illustrious-Curve603B
    10 months ago

    I agree a sub - a good active sub - makes everything sound better. I have tower speakers rated to go to 25Hz BUT adding a sub (xover set at 60Hz) opened up the soundstage. The main reason is that the amount of power needed to drive the low end has now been relegated to the sub and it’s internal amp (yes a passive sun with its own amp works too). This frees up the power in your amp(s) to drive the frequencies above your xover range and the difference is NOT subtle.