Soooo…if I plug this SSD-in-a-USB-3.0-enclosure into my PC, filenames display fine, and they used to display fine on my Deck also, since it was how I was copying large stuff over…but within the last few days, I noticed that on my Deck, all the filenames show up as lowercase.

Mixed-case filenames show up fine on the internal btrfs /home partition, the btrfs’ MicroSD, and an internal 250GB NTFS Windows partition. It’s only this specific external drives that’s displaying weird.

Naming something with some uppercase letters results in it being all lowercase.

I thought I might have fat-fingered some setting in Dolphin (the file explorer, in Desktop mode), but I can’t find anything, and I also noticed that ls’ing in a terminal shows the same thing.

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, and I haven’t done anything major other than updating SteamOS to the beta channel in order to get 3.5.1 instead of 3.4.whatever it was on in Stable. The thing is, I’m pretty sure filenames were fine as least one of the times using it after the update…

So again basically: NTFS-formatted 1TB SSD in a USB C enclosure. Windows sees everything fine, with no warnings about filesystem errors or anything. Steam Deck suddenly shows all folder/filenames as only having lowercase letters.