I own a dance studio in a more rural area- my studio is doing well, it is basically about the same revenue as last year because of inflation. I run an after school dance program Monday-Friday 3:30-8 ish. And occasionally have events or rehearsals on the weekend.

So my building sits empty for many hours during the week- anyone have any original ideas for how to make more revenue during the daytime hours, especially ones that I could pay an employee to operate? I feel I am at capacity as the director between admin work, teaching, choreography and maintenance. Even making $20/hr off the space would be awesome.

  • founderscurveB
    10 months ago

    if there are lots of young mums and kids, maybe some kid of play date play center? investment would be on kids toys and stuff like indoor kids slides. charge on a subscription basis. check for child safety and health and related insurance needs.

  • mgallowsB
    10 months ago

    I would hire a Zumba/Yoga/Pilates instructor let’s say $50 for the hour. And charge 8-10$ per class that’s $80-100.

    Senior meet up, Weekly bingo&tea for example

    Mommy and me mornings

    Language learning, teach English to foreigners or Spanish etc

    There’s many ideas, you could ask chatgpt too! I really like the first one since it’s a dance studio anyway 🤷‍♀️