Despite talk about his injuries he’s still shooting at a pretty large volume, meanwhile his shot selection has been poor. As a big man you’d expect his fg% to be higher. It’ll be interesting to see how his efficiency ends the rest of the season after factoring in this start.


  • PsychedelicWaltonB
    10 months ago

    Nobody actually likes playing that obese cigarette addict. He slow walks the ball up the court and holds the ball for the entire shot clock before passing to them at the last second for a bailout shot

    He’s an elite player, but it’s very easy to understand why other great players wouldn’t wanna play Luka ball all night every night. For spot up shooters he’s amazing, but for other ball-handlers like Brunson & Kyrie it’s really a testament to them that they’re able to fit so seamlessly into a Luka ball offense