They straight up do not execute. Josh makes horrendous decisions with the ball, Josh forgets how to hand the ball off, Josh misses wide open receivers, receivers can’t catch lasers that they should be familiar with, and running backs have fumbling issues.

This shell of a defense did an insane job given the fact that the broncos started a ton of drives in Bills territory. They’re showing heart and it sucks that the offense doesn’t support em. It’s almost Jete level embarrassing. Even after Beane fixes the oline which was the issue last year, skill players and Josh in particular squander every opportunity.

Coaching was bad don’t get me wrong. Dorsey continuing to call passing plays after seeing the success that came with the run game is mind boggling (I love Murray). But the 3 and outs plus immediate turnovers just wears the defense out. And safe to say that the 12 man on the field surely puts McD on the hot seat.

But after watching the post game presser, Josh looks lost and says the same stupid, meaningless shit. I love him but fucking take some ownership of the fact that you lost the game and make changes.

  • jbomber81B
    10 months ago

    Well a long ass run by cook kinda fucked us there. We tried to go slow, we ran it every play.